Career and Professional (in work)
My passion is adding value; discovery; seeing others succeed; leadership; management; engineering; process. I enjoy teamwork and truly believe that more can get done with a team than working on your own.
A synopsis of my engineering- and science-specific background can be viewed here.
I’ve managed engineering/R&D departments in Medical Device (4 years), Aerospace (2 years), and Industrial Equipment (2-1/2 years). As of March 2005 I am vice president of engineering in the Security industry. I have been a project/sr. project engineer for many years previous to that, and have worked as engineer, technician, and assembler. I understand manufacturing and product development as well as anyone I know. As a manager I understand leadership, administration, hiring, discipline, budgets, operating plans, and financial sheets as well as anyone I know.
My friend Damon Stoddard and I have built a web site for new product development. Using Design for Six Sigma principles, and the hands-on-learning style, we rapidly teach (in college) project leaders how to systematically move through a project, from idea to making money in production using what we call the eNPI Process. See www.enpiprocess.com. (Note: Our site is password protected, but from the front page you’ll be able to see the subjects covered.) Unlike the “consultants” described here, we trust that we really do add value!!
I have no interest in changing companies. I’m now associated with straight-shooting leadership team (president and the other VP’s) with a vision to be the best in the world – just how I like it. They also know how to make decisions and be decisive and play for the team. We all have 10 or more years left in our professional lives and can make a lot of hay in that time – further, we’re all committed to personal and professional growth. I’ve worked my entire life to be in this position. Time now to start adding top-line products to produce bottom line profits without having to look over my shoulder to see which insecure political operative is wanting to put on the brakes!